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Afghanistan has rich reserves of coking coal

Coal is primarily located within a Jurassic belt from the northern provinces of Takhar and Badakhshan through the center of the country and towards the west in Herat, according to Afghan Mines Ministry.


Gold Reserves in Afghanistan remained unchanged at 21.87 Tons in the third quarter of 2023 from 21.87 Tons in the second quarter of 2023

The southern regions of Afghanistan is believed to contain large gold deposits, particularly the Helmand Province. There is an estimated $50 billion.

Simi-precious Stone

Afghanistan's mountains are rich with mines of semi-precious stones such as emerald, ruby, lapis lazuli, garnet, and tourmaline

Gem resources in Afghanistan There are four main gemstone producing areas: the Panjshir Valley producing emeralds, the Jegdalek area producing rubies and a range of fancy colored and blue sapphires, Badakhshan producing the world-famous and most recognized of Afghan gems, lapis lazuli, and Nuristan producing a wide.

Iron Ore

Iron is the most abundant of Afghanistan's valuable metals.

The total iron ore reserve is estimated to be 2.2 billion metric tons, placing Afghanistan among the top 10 countries in extractable iron. 

The Hajigak iron ore deposit, situated in the mountainous Bamyan province, 130 km west of Kabul, is one of several iron deposits within this. Also Ghoryan District of Herat Province has large deposit of iron ore


COPPER. A 2019 report by Afghanistan's Ministry of Mines and Petroleum put the country's copper resource at almost 30 million tons.

An Afghan mining sector roadmap published by the ministry in the same year said there were another 28.5 million tons of copper in undiscovered porphyry deposits

Mes Aynak is a site 40 km southeast of Kabul, located in a barren region of Logar Province. The site contains the world’s second largest copper deposit which looms as major revenue source for Afghanistan


Afghanistan has over 400 varieties of marble with total value of around USD150-200 billion.

According to Mitchell (2008) reports, the total estimated marble deposits in Afghanistan reach over 9 billion MTs. Afghanistan can supply marble to regional and international markets almost for indefinite period of time

There is a wide variety of marble in Afghanistan currently extracted from quarries in Badakhshan, Balkh, Bamyan, Helmand, Herat, Kabul, Kandahar, Logar, Faryab, Wardak, Nangarhar, Paktia, Parwan and Samangan provinces